Ok so I'm just a little late with this seeing I've been out since the 15th.:?
But yeah, finals are over, thank goodness! And now I'm on break till Jan. 8, 3 whole weeks off. I'm gonna enjoy every moment of it too.:P
Also got my final grades for the semester yesterday...and pretty much as it was at midterm...except the letters got shuffled around for the most part. So here we go:
Calculus 1 - A
Digital Logic - A
Engineering Problem Solving 1 - B-
General Physics 1 - C
Introduction-World Religions - B
Orientation to Engineering - A
The last 2 tests in Physics sucked so bad:evil: The final saved my ass I think. And, as I was hoping, I brought my Digital Logic grade up. Just hope next semester is better...this is what I have to deal with when Jan. 8 comes:
Calculus 2
Engineering Problem Solving 2
General Physics 2
English Composition and Rhetoric
Principles of Microeconomics
And all the means I'm heading into more unfamiliar territory than I was last semester. I'm sure though that I'll do just fine...just have to be careful and not slack off too much after midterm.
And today's the first day of winter and what do I got? Rain....:x Some Christmas this will be, no snow. We have a 30% chance of RAIN on Christmas day.:|
Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be here Monday morning with my Christmas wishes.:)
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