DEAD LINK! I don't see any info except for the intimidating error 404 not found on the top....:(Battlefield 3 Leaked Info
Main points
Release in late 2008
Powered by "Frostbite DX"
Set in year modern day (just like BF2, ed.)
Will ship with 8 maps, each supporting up to 40-players per team
Two playable factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)
Same "ticket-based" gameplay ****as before
Maps are mostly urban, based in Middle East
Squads and Commanders are present, introduced are "Battalions" which consist of three to four squads.
Five playable ****s; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support
Will feature 48 different vehicles (24 for each faction)
Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.
Other unlocks include different types of ammunition, body armor, helmets, camouflage and accessories.
Possible public beta in "Summer 2008?
Online stats tracking, awards and "real world ranks"
"Soldier" feature, looks like MMO-**** characters and avatars
Ranked servers will be available for resellers weeks before the game ships (for testing, apparently, ed.)
In-game replay and recording feature
VoIP, friends list, in-game IM-client and "extensive clan support"
Built-in auto software updater (no more patches!, ed.)
Widows Vista and OS X (no XP?!, ed.)
Announcement and teaser trailer in January 2008
PcGamer2020's forum posts
1. HORRIBLE voice acting. It's full of clichés ripped out of horrible military movies from the 80's. Anyone was has ever served in ANY branch of the military will roll their eyes at the voice acting in this game.Who cares? Why should frigging voice acting be considered a negative trait for the game. Better yet, what makes you an expert on military communications?
2. No strategy/use of tactics. 99% of your objectives are achieved by simply placing units into objection "circles". Leaving these circles to setup a better tactical advantage will show you as LOOSING the objective point (even though you are right next to it) so it's best to just stack all your units into these circles.At which point they will get butt raped by anyone with so much as10 points of TA. Honestly, it sounds to me like you played a single MP match, couldn't figure out how the game worked and left.
3. Unit replacement is somewhat unreasonable. Though i do like that there isn't any "resource gathering" if you just called in replacements, even you have the points, you have to wait for a "cool down timer"....I'm sorry but the Air Force typically has more than ONE plane for resupply available. If you pick the wrong units for a situation they will all be killed off quickly while you wait and wait and wait to resupply
And WiC is not a 100% realistic game. This is an issue of taste, not game design. If you chose the wrong units, then the problem isn't with the game dude. It's you.
4. Never enough units or no access to much needed units. You seem to always have a ridiculous small amount of units for certain situations. Also a lot of time you'll have to go up against heavy Russian armor without any heavy armor yourself. This can be very frustrating as the units you selected get slaughtered while you wait for the resupply points to stack up. Also it seems the Russians have an ENDLESS supply of units that they will spam you with.This is nothing new to the RPG genre. Single player AI ALWAYS cheats like a mother ****er. And the developers insists on stacking the player against impossible odds in many other RPGs as well. Don't even get me started on Homeworld 2.
5. No checkpoint type system. Some missions are LONG with multiple objectives (primary and secondary). If you don't save your progress yourself, then you must start all over from the beginning of the mission. Not a real big issue as long as you remember to save but having to save after every completed objective or move can get annoying.
Oh boo god damn hoo. Are you honestly saying it's the game's fault that someone is too god damn stupid to open up the menu and click "save"?
6. HORRIBLE map controls. You have to use WASD keys to move the map but the angle of the camera typically doesn't match the direction of the keys or where you want to go. For instance, I found myself pressing W to move north...however actually I would be moving east because the way the camera was position and there's no compass that shows what direction you are currently looking at. Very frustrating and pointless.This is yet another issue of personal taste. I thought WiC had very good camera controls. Since most RTS games place both the movement and camera controls directly into the mouse. Forcing the user to needlessly multitask.
These are just the problems I can think of off the top of my head. This game had great potential and I really don't see why gamespot gave it such a high score when typically they are quite strict with their ratings when compared to other sites/magazines.
Probably because, it's a genuinly original title that actually lives up the term REAL TIME STRATEGY. Sorry WiCcouldn't be yet another REAL TIME ZERG RUSH game.
It's so god damn stupid that people have gotten so used to the typical RTS battle system they have nothing but hostility to anything that challenges the status quo.
Lucky. The only reason why you would be paid to go to school is that people are ditching all the time and not giving a damn about school.:( I hope I'm wrong.(110 euros=$155.056 American currency. Typical school year=10 months. 155.056x10= $1550.56. DAMN) :shock:Uhm.. One thing I don't understand is, don't you guys get money?
I mean, Here in Sweden, you get like 110 euro every month if you stay in school / go to High school.
Doesn't other countries have like this?
All of you people complaining about things costing money need to realize that this is a capitalistic country. I think that it is a good thing. You spend money based on how much demand you have for the item you desire. Blizzard knows that many people are willing to pay $15 to play WoW so they charge it. If playing the game is worth $15 to you then it is a fair exchange, you are saying that playing that game for a month is at least the same value as $15. We live in a system where we vote with our dollars, if you don't want it then you don't buy it. If people thought $15 wasn't worth a month of WoW then they wouldn't buy it and Blizzard would be forced to lower the price accordingly. Some of you may think it is unfair but that is not true. If you purchase a month's worth of time you are stating that it is fair, that you are exhanging one equivalent value for another. Some may be willing to pay more to play WoW then $15, those people are getting a deal here. You have to understand that you decide what you value and what you pay for things. This is freedom and choice not some system that you are forced to obey like Communism (although a perfect Communistic societ has yet to be achieved and I doubt it will be)or Socialism where the government controls your actions and by doing so states that you are not smart enough to make your own decisions and that the government has to decide what it is you need. Don't think that systems where the government decides what you get and do are systems that promote community or are better then a capitalistic system. Stating such is saying "I don't know what it is good for me, please decide for me". I credit humanity with more intelligence then that. Am I saying that the American version of a capitalistic society is perfect? By no means. However we are doing a decent job of it. When you state that freedom is dead in this country and that we are losing are rights you aren't taking into account a great many things. Yes the government invasion of privacy is wrong and I feel sorry for that kid who was tazered and it should of never happened. These are the imperfections. However remember is the government telling you what to specifically do with your life? Telling what you are allowed to pursue within the confines of laws meant to protect you? Laws meant to control things like illegal drugs, adverse business practices, and other crimes. No you are in control of your life. You decide what you consider valuable and what of value you have to offer in return for such things. Money makes things easier because it has a value everyone agrees upon as opposed to the bartering system where such things were always relative depending on the parties involved. Still you are exchanging value for value. In this country you are accredited with the ability to know what has value, because it is indeed a personal decision. I for one am proud to live in a country where I have such a freedom. So for all of you people full of hate and calling people "capitalist pigs" etc realize that this is freedom we are talking about. Not some government controlled country where we don't decide what it is we want. Our country is not perfect, rights are violated all the time and it is sad to see. The government can make stupid foreign policy decisions it is true. However despite all the problems we may have remember that we are free to decide what to do with our lives and what we want. Man I don't why I decided to rant but there it is.Citan76Word. :D Nice wall of text. I read every letter.
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