Physics I : A
Lab. Phisics I : A
Organic Chemistry I : A
Lab. Organic Chemisry I : A
Spanish Literature I : A
Occidental Culture III : B
I'm happy with everything excpet the frikking Occidental Culture grade. Man, that proffesor is such an idiot, he likes to make easy classes an infiernus. The final exam was a hometest and i did it very very good and i incluyed some works that counted as bonus points and also had a 25 points in class assistence and even with all those points i couldn't get an A. I'm going to talk to him so he can explain to me the reasons he gave me that ugly B. I'm sure it was an error because i did a very good work. .........I'm going to give him hell! HELL!!!
*calms down* Well, i'm happy with the other grades and i'm sure the B is an error. :)