Don't know why you even bother, it's just mindless killing and feeling 'powerful' over a videogame... Its fun, but if your parents care about what you play you should be thankful.
For what I've read a LOT of people here is underage and sadly the way of thinking of many just gives the ESRB more credit for trying to do something about violent games, it's not because you're stupid like someone said, but hopefully someday you will realize that you have to live your age, because when you're older you might miss those things that you did when you were younger.. People tend to live things that doesn't match their age and all of a sudden, they realize that they didn't enjoyed a lot of things that could've been enjoyed being done at the right time.
Oh and just to clarify, I do enjoy games with violence, but its better to play them when you are mature enough to understand that a game is not suitable for anyone..
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