Game Of The Year: Okami. Of the games that I have played in the past twelve months, Okami is the one that I loved the most.
The Game That I Wanted Most In 2006 But Have Yet To Purchase: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
The Game That I Knew I Would Buy But Did Not Know It Would Be As Great As It Was: Viva PiƱata. Honestly, I had no idea that it would be that good.
The Game That Best Lived Up To The Hype Surrounding It: Gears Of War. I just finished Hardcore. Good stuff.
My Biggest Disappointment Of 2006: Dead Or Alive Extreme 2. I really enjoyed the first game and I do not think that it was unrealistic of me to hope that the second installment would be, at the very least, just as much fun. Sadly, it is not.
The Very Best: All of you. I've made a number of very interesting and worthwhile friends here at GameSpot. It's been a great year. Thank you, All.
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