Pentagram6's forum posts
You may remember me from a few days ago - I posted saying I was going to get a PS3, and wanted some advice. Well, I picked it up today, I've been playing MGS4, switched it off briefly, came back later, switched it on - BAM, no display. Tried every channel, no display or sound. I'm playing it through the RGB (SCART) connection, I don't have any HDMI compatible TVs in the house. So I think it's a problem with that connection. The connector that goes into the PS3 doesn't look right - the pins look a little off. Could someone post a picture or something of theirs? Or shed some light on the matter? All I want to do is play MGS4, it was really sucking me in!
"You don't want this on system wars becuase you don't want biased opinions, yet you place it on the PS3 forum so you can get 'unbiased' opinions? What were you expecting to get from this forum? Of course you'll get plenty of pro-PS3 go get one opinions."
I have already decided to get a PS3 - it's just when. I don't want unbiased opinions, I want information and advice, which will in turn influence my decision when to buy the console. When I'm shelling out £300+ I'm quite able to differentiate the rantings of some fanboy from actual good advice. I just don't want 360 fanboy "don't buy a PS3 replies" cluttering the thread.
"Don't even bother getting the PS3 if you are in need of cash. Not sure how are you financially, but you said you sold your PS2 cause you needed the money."
I was 12 when i had my PS2. I'm now nearly 19. As I said later on in the thread, money really isn't an object. It's not really a great plan to comment on my financial situation based on what it was like when i was a child.
Ok, so i didn't think it'd happen to me, but it did - I currently own an xbox 360, but after playing MGS4 at a friends yesterday, my jaw literally dropped at the awesomeness, and I'm pretty much thinking of getting a PS3 (I'll be keeping my 360). The reason why I haven't put this into the console wars thread is because, to be honest, I don't want arguments to start. I'd rather have PS3 owner's opinions and not "This console is better than this" because I already have one console, and am very happy with it.
Basically, I'm lost in the world of Playstation - I owned a PS2 for three months, before selling it due to need for cash. I've already figured there are benefits to picking a PS3 up - blu-ray functionality would be cool, I think Home looks awesome, MGS4 of course and the fact that I'll be able to play some of the PS2 games (God of War, Snake Eater) that I missed in the past. However, I am worried I'll buy it and suffer, due to a percieved lack of titles on the PS3, although is this wrong? It's not intended as a dig at Sony - I truly have little idea of what is available on the PS3.
I have several questions:
Firstly, while I'm struck on Metal Gear Solid, I don't know if it's worth waiting for more games to come out - I do intend to buy a PS3 at some point in the future, but what kind of big-name exclusives are available? I'm not really into racing games, and I've never really dabbled in JRPGs, so what is there available?
Also, I don't know which SKU to buy - in fact, I'm almost lost on how many SKUs there are available. I'm located in the UK if that helps with availability. Basically, I'm looking for PS2 backwards compatibility (I don't mind if it's emulation), hard drive space for those heavy-install games (I've already had trouble with the 20gb on the 360, so switched up to an elite) and built-in wireless is a must. Money isn't a BIG deal but the cheaper end of the spectrum would be better.
What about the major games available on the PS3 that I can just as easily get on the 360? I'd rather not have answers like "It's just better" but things like "Noticeable graphics difference" or "Runs better" or the obvious thing about UTIII on the PS3 having mods, which puts it streaks ahead of the 360 version, would be greatly appreciated.
To slim it down for the TL;DR people - convince me to splash out on a PS3 now, instead of later. A large part of me wants to buy one now. A voice in the back of my head has it's doubts. Thanks very much for the advice!
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