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What the Hell Happened to Christmas?

For Many years, the Christmas have brought joy to children and others. but the real meaning of christmas is forgotten by too many. Children nowadays often don't know why we celebrate Christmas. they just think: "Guys in red+a big brown sack=WE GET FUKKEN TOYS!" well I've had just about enough! what happened to the childbirth of Jesus Christ? you know, the guy on the cross that gave his life for our sins.....! this holiday should be dedicated to him. not the stupid guys in red **** and while i'm talking about it, the red santa suits are nothing but a cheap Coca-Cola commercial, because they first appeard in red in a coke commercial. and Coca-cola are....wether you believe it or not..... one of the biggest Human Rights Violator. they pollute peoples water, they steal lands from people by making deals with the governments.

many murders have been associateddirectly to the Company but nobody's been put to jail. i hope ou take this seriously

thank you and goodbye