007 Everything or Nothing. One of the best third person shooters ever.
Peppy64's forum posts
Courage, Chowder and Batman Beyond O_0
I need to get some thrice cream and watch these all day.
Love that picture XD
I have only played the first Darksiders and even that is better than the recent Zelda games.
How did you guys like DE: Human Revolution? Thinking about adding some games to play on my PS3. Heard good things about it, and it's currently dirt cheap on Amazon. Never played the predecessors.
I would definitely get it! It's really fun and lets you go stealth or guns blazing if you want. I got side tracked and started playing another game but I will get back to it soon. I have also never played a DE game before this.
I don't know whether to get Crysis 3 or get Far Cry 3 or possible the first Borderlands. I just finished Crysis 2 and the campaign sucked but I loved the Crysis 3 online beta. I'm sure the online will keep me hooked for a while but also want a good single player game.
Couldn't care less.
Like everyone here I own a PS3. Therefore backwards compatibility isn't an issue.
I believe the word is "duh".
I don't get why BC is so important. People might as well say they won't buy a PS5 if it won't play PS4 games.
Same thing happened to me but it was the demo from a while ago not the actual full game. I'll try to delete it again and wait a bit since people are saying it takes a while to delete.
Game utility data can take up sizable space. I didn't know my friend played Skyrim on my ps3 and the ultility date was like 4 gigs O_o
I loved the beta so I picked up Crysis 2. 2 is ok but not amazing by any means. The online is definitely shaping up to be better for Crysis 3 so I'll pick it up when it's out.
BTW if you preorder from Amazon or Walmart online you get 20 bucks credit.
The Crysis 3 beta is pure fun. Even if I get killed a bunch of times in a row I never get frustrated lol. The gameplay is better than in Crysis 2.
As far as comparisons to COD and Halo I think it's better than COD. I only played Halo once and it was ok. There is not much BS in Crysis 3 like in COD games.
I would stick with BC2. BF3 is crap compared to it. The maps are not the best and vehicle combat is no where near as fun.
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