Well its been a few months now and the past week has made me realise I've done quite a few things already.
I've just started my own Union now and just need one more member to join and I have a Union logo in waiting but not a banner yet. I have also joined the 2D Sonic Union which I'm the artist for... awesome and I've done that banner now. Also I've got a banner to update my profile waiting to load.
I've also made some semi friends, I say semi as I don't actually fisically know them and all that. I've got X Box live because it seemed so good on Gamespot and I've bought and want games and console I didn't even know existed... unbelievably Metroid Prime was included in that list and a Dreamcast is in my want list.
I've also talked a lot of bool and I meant to spell it like that. A LOT of bool but it winds some up so much its funny like I went along with Carmassi and duffed up our friends file with a million annoying and disturbing coments... well mabey not quite disturbing but its info you would rather do with out to say the least.
So yeah a few things I've done more than that but its not all midley interesting. I also hope the banner worked Ziki because Yahoo's playing up a bit.