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Halloween... like anyone gives a...

Yes depressing title I know but to be honnest Halloween has allways been a depressing day for me, mostly as I hate the whole thought of Giesing/Trick'or'treating as it seems like an excuse for free tat... and who wants tat? The whole blooming credit crunch issue will probably make everyone give out peanuts... oh for the love of pepsi. Anyway I plan to make this halloween better for myself but most of this will be a week or so after halloween but who cares... same time frame!

I plan to get some "halloween" themed games for my cube they include, resident evil zero, eternal darkness, resident evil four and Hunter the Reckoning... wooh. I have luigi's mansion before you ask! Anyway I'm still to get a resident evil game and since they are widelly loved I thought why not get two? Also hunter the reckoning has good multiplayer so it should be worth a go and its like the rest nintendo only! Finally eternal darkness just looks blooming brilliant fun so I don't really have a reason apart from that!

Now I get frightened easilly so I'll be like a three year old with these games... ahhhhhhhhhhhh theres a black ghost.... oh oh its just a shelf few... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its a coke logo... oh good, its a mere diary... few... and so on so I also plan to get really happy games to relieve my tension if need be, super monkey ball 2 is the main one but I'm in a SEGA mood with my cube so lots of SEGA games needed. We all know SEGA its not just a simillar name to SAGA but it appeals to the same people, poor vaunerable elderly folk, a peoples company good for stress relief unless you're talking sonic!

So yeah... halloween it may be depressing but this year I'll stomp it with happiness and I admit I'm getting the games after halloween but I'll get lots of sugar full pepsi on the day, halloweeny enough as its a death sentence for my teeth but meh and I'll get saturated fat full rustlers burgers and Doritos... my arteries could be in trouble.