Hope All Is Well
by PerditionZero on Comments
Well, I suppose I could post another one of these things, seeing as I have not in some time. I hope that everyone has been doing well in my absence and I also hoped that everyone had a nice holiday and are looking forward to the new year. If you would like to share what you got for gifts, be my guest. I recieved MGS HD collection, GTA IV, Prince of Persia and Enslaved for the 360, regardless, most of my time is sucked into Halo Reach, haha. That aside, what are you guys looking forward to in 2012? What games are you looking forward to? Any anime series that you are anticipating? I am looking forward to Asura's Wrath (360) and Zetman and Eureka 7 Ao. I mean, as soon as I heard news of an E7 sequel I nearly jumped for joy. It's been years since I first completed the series and have been re-watching it as of late in preparation for the new series. I hope that it lives up to my expectations seeing as E7 is one of my all time favorite series. Zetman, too. Been reading that series for a few years now. Totally awesome if you're into seinen, that is. Check it out when you get a minute, don't want to give away too much about the series. How about anime/manga wise? Anybody seen anything worth sharing? Gaming, too? Well, that's all for now, hope everyone is well, and don't forget to leave your responses below!
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