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PerditionZero Blog

Hope All Is Well

Well, I suppose I could post another one of these things, seeing as I have not in some time. I hope that everyone has been doing well in my absence and I also hoped that everyone had a nice holiday and are looking forward to the new year. If you would like to share what you got for gifts, be my guest. I recieved MGS HD collection, GTA IV, Prince of Persia and Enslaved for the 360, regardless, most of my time is sucked into Halo Reach, haha. That aside, what are you guys looking forward to in 2012? What games are you looking forward to? Any anime series that you are anticipating? I am looking forward to Asura's Wrath (360) and Zetman and Eureka 7 Ao. I mean, as soon as I heard news of an E7 sequel I nearly jumped for joy. It's been years since I first completed the series and have been re-watching it as of late in preparation for the new series. I hope that it lives up to my expectations seeing as E7 is one of my all time favorite series. Zetman, too. Been reading that series for a few years now. Totally awesome if you're into seinen, that is. Check it out when you get a minute, don't want to give away too much about the series. How about anime/manga wise? Anybody seen anything worth sharing? Gaming, too? Well, that's all for now, hope everyone is well, and don't forget to leave your responses below!

Favorite Video Games of All Time (Top 25)

1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) 2. No More Heroes 2 (WII) 3. Resident Evil 4 (WII) 4. Forza Motorsport 3 (360) 5. Dead Rising 2 (360) 6. Borderlands (360) 7. Super Street Fighter IV (360) 8. Banjo Kazooie (N64) 9. Animal Crossing (GC) 10. Resident Evil 2 (N64) 11. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS) 12. StarCraft (PC) 13. God of War (PS2) 14. Gran Turismo 4 (PS2) 15. Half-Life (PC) 16. Vanquish (360) 17. Metal Gear Solid (PS) 18. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (WII) 19. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (360) 20. Dragonball Z Boudokai Tenkaichi 3 (WII) 21. Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) 22. Fable II (360) 23. Star Fox Adventures (GC) 24. Need for Speed Underground 2 (GC) 25. Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (360)

Still Alive.....And Well?

Hello all, it is me, yes, posting a blog! Oh no! Well, I guess I should probably do one of these to state that I am in fact, still alive. I recently purchased SSFIV, or Super Street Fighter IV for the Xbox 360. Learning the controls was fairly difficult, but it's much easier once you get the hang of things. I use Ken mainly, I mean why not? He is pretty freakin' awesome after all. I also go the SWFUII, or Star Wars the Force Unleashed II for the Wii. Breathing life back into that old console never seemed, well, so fun. It is a pretty good game, or more specifically, one of the better games I have played recently. As for SSFIV, that is another story in itself. The game is spectacular. The online is great for me, little to almost no lag, which is great. The game play is awesome, and the OST is pretty rad, too. The characters do look a bit too cartoony at times, specifically Abel. He has a ripped body and a almost child like face. Seriously? Why would Capcom do that? I don't mean to make a fuss, but it takes away from all the good that they have done with the game. However, the good far outweighs the bad, even if it is almost nonexistent. The game in short is simply fantastic. If you have the game, hit me up for a match, I'm always up for a challenge. P.S. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (for those of you who celebrate it that is)!

Xbox, Rants, Etc.

Xbox/Games: As you may already know, I own the new 360. (Gamertag is ctambz btw, add me if you like.) It sure is fun man, I'll tell you that. Compared to the other systems that I do own, namely the Wii, don't worry I do have others, it is an entirely different experience. No more motion sensitive controllers, no more motion bars, no more worrying about punching my dog in the face, yes, that has happened before while I was playing Wii. The graphics are much better, the sound is much better, the list goes on and on. Does this mean that I am done with the Wii? Far from it, in fact, I just picked up Sin and Punishment: Star Successor the other day. I'll let you know how it is further down the road. As for now, the 360 rant continues. Games, games, games! Forza is awesome, Fallout 3 is great but not awesome, Fable 2 was sweet, Dead Rising = awesome (out of the games I have at the moment, mind you.) I hope to obtain Super Street Fighter IV next, and then Need For Speed Hot Pursuit when it comes out. Music: Been listening to this recently. Until I have the pleasure of gracing you with my presence again, stay well f(r)iends. :) -PZ Out-

New XBOX 360?!

I recently purchased, yes, the new XBOX 360. I finally caved and purchased one. I mean look at it!  That my friend(s) is elegant! Plus it's 802.11 wifi, reduced size, less power consumption, etc, etc, etc. I'm getting ODST and Fallout 3 to begin with. Heard they were pretty great and I watched the reviews here on GS and I myself was impressed as well. Also, I registered my gamertag on the xbox live site, it's ctambz. So, post those gamertags! -Yours truly, Zero-

Dio, Say It Ain't So!

This morning, on the 16th of May, a star has faded; Ronnie James Dio has died. He shall be missed. The official statement from his wife: "Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever. Wendy" Rock on in heaven Dio. \mm/

Red Steel 2: First Impressions

I just got it today; Red Steel 2 for the Wii. I maybe played it for about an hour or so, and found it to be a refreshing experience. Much improved from its previous counterpart, Red Steel 2 is fun to be had. Controls are much improved due to the addition of Wii Motion Plus (I purchased mine at the time of Wii Sports Resort) and is a definite must have for this game. Without it, RS2 would just be the same old game with a new coat of paint. The graphics are vastly improved, with no more polygonal misinterpretations of objects and foes; everything is smooth and appealing to the eyes. The ingame voice acting is meh, not good or bad, maybe a little cliche at times but thats about it. But so far the game is very well put together. I can easily tell Ubisoft put more time, effort and money in the sequel than they did the first. Be prepared for a more in depth review upon game completion. -Zero