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PlayStation 3: Top 10 Games as of February 13th

From time to time I will post my personal opinion on what PS3 games belong in the top 10. This is offcourse my opinion, but feel free to comment on it.

1. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
4. Skate
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
6. NHL 08
7. The Godfather: The Don's Edition
8. Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six Vegas
9. Call of Duty 4
10. Devil May Cry 4

Why Uncharted on the top of the list: It's very close between Uncharted and Resistance. Uncharted wins because it has the whole package. Grate gameplay and graphics, characters you really care about. The voice acting has been done brilliantly. In addition to that, it's lot's of extras and rewards. Even a making of and the medal points adds massively to the replay value.

Just finished Devil May Cry 4 and it just made it into the list. It's a greate game, alltough not really my typical type of game. I'm looking forward to GTA IV, GT 5 Prologue and Resistance 2 this year, all of which should fight for a top position on this list.