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Pete5506 Blog

Got a PS3+More News!

Yes on Saturday I got a PS3 just because I always wanted to get one. Right now I have Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Resistance: Fall of Man, and MotorStorm. I have not yet got the Internet hooked up to it yet, so I have no on-line yet. I still think its fun to play and it was worth all that money.


I got a Call of Duty 4 MP beta token. I am just going to say is that it is so much fun. Alot better than playing that Halo 3 beta. The game looks so good and it plays just as good as it looks. The game is so easy to get used too.


Summer is over!!!!! Yes today was the 1st day of school and I have to say it feels good to be bad. Yes you may think I am dumb but I like school. Well I got to go, got lots of home work.

Shock that Bio!!!!!

Yes I got BioShock on the 21st of this years August, and I have to say for how far I am in the game. Its the best FPS I have ever played. If you do not have the game yet, get it and if you think BioShock is not the game for you, still pick it or rent it, you will be so happy when you are done with it. Thanks for reading. Got to go play some more.

I am out for a week.

Well gamespot I am going to be gone for a week. I get to go camping!!!! O'boy! Not I don't want to go but I have to. See all you in a week

My Thoughts On Microsoft Press Conference

I watch the live show last night and wow is all I have to say. From start to end I was glud to my pc. All the good info and facts about how good the 360 is doing. To the showing of Assassins Creed, to The Sweet halo 3 trailer. How windows live is going and how I should get into that more. I though the show was good, could of shown more things about the games I want this year but I still though it was good and if you did not get to see it live, you should watch it when it comes up on gamespot and you can download it. The gameplay video of Call Of Duty 4 was so cool and good looking, and that new trailer of Mass Effect was so cool. THe thing THat I loved the most, was all the halo 3 info and that new video was so cool. Thanks for reading and I will be posting my thoughts on the other press conference today.

Level 24 and more

Well people of gamespot I am now level 24 and I also have over4000 forum posts. YA.

Summer is going good for me, been doing lots of things. Not as much gaming as I wish I could be doing but I have been doing some. E3 is here and I can't wait. Lets go Halo 3, BioShock, Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed.

It's Summer time!?!?!?!

Yes today I got done with my last final at 9:15, and we all know what that means. Its summer time, no school, and lets party!!!

Now I am out for the rest of the night to go party, talk to you all later.

Vary Mad Right Now!!!!!!

Ok I am so mad right now, I have to wait to play the Halo 3 beta, and That Halo 3 comes out on Sept. 25th, there are 2 big games coming out that month. Halo 3 and Mass Effect. God I am so mad.
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