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PeterSamFan Blog

What makes you bored?

Here is the list of what makes me bored:

Nothing on TV

Sitting through an entire school day (How obvious was that!)

Sports (I'm not a sporty guy, although basketball's good)

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (I had to sit through that in the cinema and it SUCKED!)

Waiting for a DVD to come out

When you think something's good but it isn't and you regret wanting to see it ie. a film

What's yours?

Now on Gamespot!/Updates

Well, as the title says I've got onto Gamespot! Anyway, yesterday, I traded in two games I didn't want (Over the Hedge on Gameboy and Rayman Raving Rabbids on DS) and I got £7 pound off a game! After that I bought VSonic Adventure DX!

Stay cool!


Hey guys, if you don't know about this SCRuffeyfan user inviting you to be friends, that's me. Now, in my last blog, I said that I was sharing the account with my mate. I uploaded a George Carlin tribute on it, but then I phoned him up, telling him to take it down because of the HiT rampage. He's still Flex782, but I'm SCRuffeyfan. Hope you understand.

I'm on YouTube/The Alex Report

Hi guys,

As the title says; I'm on YouTube! I'm sharing the account with my best friend Callum, which explains the Gene Simmons background. I've uploaded my first video, A Tribute to George Carlin but it hasn't processed yet. In other news, I got Super Paper Mario for the Wii, A Take-Along Whiff and some play dough to make some clay figures for my series Alex Stuff.

See ya all later!

Have I saved anyone's life?/A near death experience I had last year...

Have I saved anyone's life?

At a Day Out with Thomas event, there was this kid, about four or five at the platform. Daisy was there and she had the make-up and all. Then, the kid reached out to touch it, and I had to grab him to stop him from getting killed! Shows how careless most parents are the se days! :evil:

A near death experience I had last year...

Ok, here it is. Me and my friends were celebrating the end of school, and we went to the beach. Me and one of my friends decided to play some game I liked to call "Aqua Zombies" near the sea. He fell over and I said "Dude, there's a wave coming, get out, quick!" Then he got up, but we both fell over and we were stuck under the wave! :O However, we were only under for two seconds and when we came out I had a bad cough! That's why I'm not a fan of the beach anymore!

Bored, I'll do a survey

PLEASE NOTE: I made this survey up. If you want to copy it, go ahead.

Name: Alex

Nicknames: PeterSamFan, S.C.Ruffeyfan, Alexo!(always with the exclamation mark! :P)

Surname: Why do you want to know?

Siblings: Very annoying brother

What is in front of you now?: "Weird Al" Yankovic: The Complete Video Collection

How many CDs do you have?: Ten right now.

Favourite Thomas video: Rock 'N' Roll and other stories (Very good)

Favourite band: The Darkness!!!!!!!

What's on TV right now?: The Paralympics

What can't you wait for right now?: Next year's line of UK Thomas DVDs (I live in the UK)

What sucks on TV?: Everything on Nickeleodeon. (Except SpongeBob and Avatar)

Do you like school?: I am popular there, but it is boring so, average.

Last thing you ate: A KFC

McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey Doodle's!

Last person who called you: My dad

Who are you missing right now?: David Mitton and my best friends (they're not dead, they're in another school)

What do you want to do in a couple of year's time? Kill my year six teacher, and knock down every school in the world. My year six teacher treated me like crud.

Blog party!

There's not really any occasion, I'm just doing it for the sake of it. Alright, let's get it started!

Now here are my gifts:

For Louis: Theodore's BIG Adventure video (rare!)

For Katie: TUGS annual 1990

For Zip: wind-up Hank (I haven't really made one, it seems too hard!)

For Ethan: a BIG hug!


Here is our food: hot dogs (they're mine! :P) sausage rolls, every food in the world really. What's that? £11000000000 I spent on food? Forget it!


season 12 kicks off again with Toby's Special Surprise all the way to Saved You! I can't wait to see what Hank acts like on Tuesday. See you all.


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