PLEASE NOTE: I made this survey up. If you want to copy it, go ahead.
Name: Alex
Nicknames: PeterSamFan, S.C.Ruffeyfan, Alexo!(always with the exclamation mark! :P)
Surname: Why do you want to know?
Siblings: Very annoying brother
What is in front of you now?: "Weird Al" Yankovic: The Complete Video Collection
How many CDs do you have?: Ten right now.
Favourite Thomas video: Rock 'N' Roll and other stories (Very good)
Favourite band: The Darkness!!!!!!!
What's on TV right now?: The Paralympics
What can't you wait for right now?: Next year's line of UK Thomas DVDs (I live in the UK)
What sucks on TV?: Everything on Nickeleodeon. (Except SpongeBob and Avatar)
Do you like school?: I am popular there, but it is boring so, average.
Last thing you ate: A KFC
McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey Doodle's!
Last person who called you: My dad
Who are you missing right now?: David Mitton and my best friends (they're not dead, they're in another school)
What do you want to do in a couple of year's time? Kill my year six teacher, and knock down every school in the world. My year six teacher treated me like crud.
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