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E3 Microsoft - Its also been to long. (E3 Wish = New Guitar Hero)

so it been abit of time that i haven't posted on gamespot but i guess work and stuff plays a part in why i dont get on much. I now work at Eb Games (Australian Game Stop) and yea enjoying it. I guess its going well, i mean i dont hold as big a passion as i once did for Video games but its something ill always hold close to me.

Anyway on to what i just watched being the Microsoft @ E3. And look apart from the Splinter Cell i knew what i was going to see. I guess apart from Splinter Cell and Halo 4 which was the peaks for me, i guess i liked this new Xbox Tab thing. What was it again? Glass something? Dum name but idk i sort of like the idea behind some of the stuff on it i guess. Was hoping more for and portable platform type thing which i guess i have my Windows phone for but still. Oh well i guess will see what Sony and Nintendo do.

And in closing im sort of hoping for a new Guitar Hero. I know its dead but i still think there may be a bit more life in it then you may think. Or maybe thats my hope talking?? : /

Thanks Guys.

And sorry for spelling its 4:18 AM