I have every Guitar Hero there is! I started on the Ps2, then when i got my X-360 i started to buy them for that! I have 3 Guitars, 2 Mic's, 1 Drum set. So all I needed was Guitar Hero 5! And when i walked in to work at about 9:30, it was there! But i had to hold of untell i got home(which i did). But as some as i got home BAM XBOX ON GUITAR HERO IN!!
And the fun started, i think for this guitar hero they need to do somthing diffrent, and they did. The setlist was great, but there was a foe songs i really wanted to play. But i told myself NO i have to play career! Which i am right now, and so far my fav song has been Plug in Baby by the Muse.(GREAT FUN) Anyway better get back to it.. ;)