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Quick update

On the Jeff issue: I'm a little embarrassed about my response to Jeff being fired. I'm not normally one to jump on the bandwagon without a good reason, and at the time of writing my last post (the day after Jeff went) I didn't really know the facts. I still don't really know the facts, but I have a suspicion that's not going to change. As things stand, GS still holds an inordinate appeal for me - thanks largely to Thinking Outside the Box, so I plan to stick around for some time.

On my semi-silence: I've never been a terribly prolific blogger, but the last couple of weeks have been slow even by my standards. The reason, I'm happy to say, is that I got promoted (woot! Level up :D). Unfortunately, the increase in workload and responsibility has severely limited my free time. I've got loads of scribbled notes and half-baked ideas for blogs, but no time to flesh them out or write them. Typically speaking, things tend to slow down this time of year, so hopefully some of those ideas will come to fruition, but I promise nothing.

Just so you know...