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#1 Phallass
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
hmm why are games out selling movies? movies = sex, violence, Aggression.story games= sex, violence , aggression, story and interaction. before you say violent games are bad. I used to live in iraq, i had an rpg. ak47 and a desert eagle. gun shots and jets blwoing out the windows was common Now up in Australia i have violent video games. oooooo scary.
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#2 Phallass
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Lol why are you asking these people opinions? \ Here are the facts - ps3 60 games. mostly childish - xbox 360 260 games, alot are exculsive, -halo 3's community alone, is larger then the entire ps3 community on average by like 15%. - xbox 360 arcade, cmon who dosnt like playing the atari, super nintendo.n64 titles? and to finish off blue ray is stupid and unnecessary as said by many professionals. you would need a 100 inch tv to tell diverance between not normal dvds and bluray. and xbox wins because it out sold the ps3 by a margin of 60%, and the reason ps3 sold as much as it did is because sony is more in touch with Asian countries.
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#3 Phallass
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
There are around 1.5 billions gamers on the planet and all of them will say the best game is the game they had the most fun playing right? so the latest and greatest does not count. for me it was 1.halo: combat evolved. man i was like 14 when that came out and i couldn't compare that experience to any other.\ 2. smash tv 3. super mario and yoshy 4. Time Cop 5.morrowind
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#4 Phallass
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Well for mulitplayer anyway. lets look at the content you get for your $90 Beautiful single player , very long. but it can get really quiet where all you can hear is the engine rotor and the sea. mulitplayer, = bad balance. no support. no players. I played online for about 1 month and on most days there was no servers running. ( kind of like ps3 net play) Its so buggy to the point that when you do find a server rich with players ready to battle it out for supremacy. 30% you lag out of the limbo menu and you are dropped back to your desktop with that fail warning that you need to alt+tab to close. Lag, i was playing with 7 other aussies and we were lagging, nuff said. seriously you know when you experience lag for an extended amount of time , you feel like your in slow mode, carefully clicking buttons and praying that you dont freeze well that's BS:P for you enjoy. i playeed this game for one strait month, and they released a map pack and a patch that makes things worse... So if your looking for a great multiplayer strategy/action game. Then go play hop scotch outside , that's if you can find a server with good weather.
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