I made my descision
by Pharoah__Link on Comments
Well I finally decided I will get a PS3. I will wait until the summer though so if you think I am making a stupid descision then feel free to comment or PM me why. Anyways what finalized my descision was this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=gd_VjrbeBHI this is a fair comparison between the 360 and PS3. Anyways thanks everyone of helping me make my descision. And Roman_Irishman...this summer prepare to get your ass whooped on Call of Duty 4 nah I'm just kidding :). Anyways if you do have a PS3 please tell me what game I should get on it. And before you post I am not interested in Final Fantasy or Devil May Cry it looks cool but probably not my type of game or any other anime related games. Anyways thank you guys and EndtheFight from YouTube who made this video. Again if you feel that I am making a bad choice feel free to tell me why! Oh and if you know any good PS3 bundles lower than $500 please tell me.