Well GameTrailers just reviewed the game and gave it a 9.3 out of 10. They complained that the controls were too precise and complicated. Some cutscenes are just too long and some of them are not very enjoyable. Also the story recieved a score of 8.7...what the hell? and Halo 3 had a better story?! my ass...(I'm sure Halo 3 is still an awesome game so no offense Halo fans!) They did not say ANYTHING about the multiplayer in the game. So I have a bad feeling that you have to seperatly buy MGS4 online or MGO. Anyways about the controls read the stinking manual and play the first level many times to get used to it. Long cutscenes? SUCK IT UP!! Anyways I am glad that they actually were able to tell us what is wrong with the game so I wouldn't be expecting a perfect game and run into one of these small flaws and just start screaming. They were probably just too hyped for the game so the rating was a bit low. Still I am dissappointed it was not a very good review no reference what so ever about the multiplayer and they even spoiled parts of the game without even warning. IF YOU DO NOT WANT ANY SPOILERS THEN STOP READING. It's not a major spoiler though.
Here are one of the SPOILERS: So Liquid Ocelot is saying "I never thought it would be so easy" and I see this woman wearing a hood. I pause and I look at the screen and I see Naomi Hunter. Yea I know she was the b1tch who infected Snake with FOXDIE but I had no idea she worked with Liquid. Another one: The reviewer says you get to revisit old locations so we get to go to Shadow Moses again and some things there are still alive. Meaning there is probably another Metal Gear there.
Also I am VERY excited for Resistance 2. 64 online multiplayer is gonna be better than it sounds. Pretty much each team is divided up into squads. And each squad has a rival squad on a different team. They are rivals since they have the same objective. So say you get killed you respawn either with your squad or near the rival squad so you always keep moving. Also this will require team work and communication so for once you actually might nead a headset. Also there will be two campaigns the single player campaign and an online campaign that will have up to 8 players. I know for sure this game will be amazing since the first game ruled. And I am trying my hardest to not be hyped up for the game (especially MGS4) since for me hype always ruins the experience.
Killzone 2 well I am sort of excited so far all I've seen were amazing graphics and the enemies look like they've had a little too much booze well not all of them just some of them. Also they've been only showing footage of one weapon and no multiplayer previews yet. But looks like an 8.0 game.