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Most Anticipated Games

So I'm just gonna do a countdown of what games I'm excited to play in the near future, both released and unreleased.

7. Demon's Souls


Well, the gameplay is quite similar to that of Legend of Zelda, so it's not one of those RPGs where you select an attack then you stare at the screen for 5 minutes as your character preforms stiff attacks and screams random Japanese words... So there's real action in it and the customization looks like a ton of fun. Also it has an extremely unique online gameplay type a later point in a game you can force yourself into other people's games and kill them or help them on a boss fight. Or you can leave warning messages for people to see. Also you can read blood spilled on the ground which shows the death of another player and you can use that to avoid making the same mistake the unfortunate player did. It sounds like a great idea but I'm excited to see how good the story is and how this whole online works out. But what keepsit this lowis its extreme difficulty. The game has been named as mercilessly hard. That's not a bad thing but this is what kept me from enjoying RE4, its was too frustrating. But hopefully if the game isn't too hard on some sort of consequence or whatever then maybe I'll check this one out.

6. Alpha Protocol


Let's see I've always wanted to try out a really good RPG but never got the chance to, and I effing love James Bond. This my friends is an Espionage RPG. So all I can say is HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! There aren't really many details on the storyline but the company making the game is known for delivering great RPGs (Obsidian is the company) but a few things keep this from being a bit higher. For one it's being published by Sega...I don't know if it's just me or if Sega has been really sucking in the past few years. But I won't judge this game based on it's publisher. The game looks to be what I have always wanted to see in an intense Spy movie, you make choices, you choose how to complete missions, you can even give your spy a freaking lumberjack beard!!! :lol: If this game gets a good score then screw Modern Warfare 2 lol! Which leads me to my next one...

5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Well I do love FPS games and I played a lot of CoD4 and I loved it! The story line was actually pretty good and the multiplayer kicked ass. Especially with Divinity's stoner cl@$$:P. So I'll definitely look forward to kicking some ass both online and off with this one. It's not number one because this will be my first CoD if I ever buy this game also I played the CoD: WaW demo and the enemy AI was stupid as hell and the co op absolutely sucked! I mean I don't know why but my teamates were the biggest dumbasses in gaming history! One guy kept on dying and dying and dying and I was getting so many points just from reviving the dude! I'm hoping I won't run into retards in this one with the co op mode.

4. Metal Gear Solid: Rising


IT'S F***ING METAL GEAR SOLID THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But.... it's not number one because it's not being developed by the same team that produced the legendary MGS4. Kojima himself won't be working on it. But since they are part of Kojima I do have faith that this will be an excelent game. But I'm wondering if we'll get to see how Raiden got into his cyborg suit or better yet seeing him as a child soldier in Liberia (maybe it was in MGS2 I don't know). Also it's gonna be on 360 and PC. Not a bad thing but how is the game gonna look better and preform better if it's not PS3 exclusive...360 is a powerful machine but PS3 is stronger and MGS4 barely fit on the bluray disc. But we'll see what happens.

3. Resistance Retribution

Yea I know this game already came out but I am a huge fan of the Resistance games. And I heard so many great reviews about this game. But I don't wanna spend much money on any PSP games so I'm just gonna wait for a price drop. By next spring probably. Anyways I heard that this game has the best plot in all the games released so far. And I'm really hoping this game will give me some info about Resistance 2's surprising ending. Also the Resistance connect thing looks pretty kickass so :)

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


I probably won't buy the first game so I'm gonna go wikipeding like hell if I get this game! But this game just looks stunning! The e3 trailer knocked me out with the train sequence in the end. The multiplayer looks simple yet ridiculously fun! The co op mode and the gold rush mode (like horde mode) looks a lot of fun. and the story line looks great as well. This game I believe will finally begin pushing the system to it's limits. It also has that feeling of a summer action movie which I have always searched for in video games. Also the cinema mode looks pretty awesome. This may even give me a chance of posting some footage. I don't know how to get the videos off my ps3 hard drive but I'll manage lol.

And for number 1 you will have to guess what game it is. If you are correct you get a virtual high five. So that would be a *high five* :). It may be obvious but I'll give you a's not officially announced yet. So guess and I will reveal the game on my next blog!