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New Halo 3 review

Well after finally playing the game myself I was very dissappointed. Yes the game was very very very very fun. But it was repetititve the online was horrible (community mostly). And overall was the same game we have known and loved since 2001. And trust me I am NOT a fanboy. I loved Gears of War and Army of Two. I think I may have been harsh though since I gave it a 6.0. Anyways I am ready for about 100 people to flame me for my review. But atleast I didn't write a review and said Gameplay: Well boring Graphics: Ugly Story: Didnt' like it and that I actually had a good explanation all behind this. I would have given this a higher score if they atleast did not make the campaign the faternal twin of Halo: Combat Evolved. I do NOT hate this game. I enjoyed it very much and I actually played some online a few hours ago. But the bad outweighs the good by ALOT. Anyways I expected to give th game a 9.5 since I thought this was gonna kick Resistance's ass. But the exact opposite happened... And Gears of War ruled 9.0 for Gears. And those who are wondering since when did I play on Xbox 360 and Xbox live. cousin came from California and he had those games and he brought em over. Anyways I'm pretty sure half of you guys probably hate my review of Halo 3. Before you say anything if you didn't like it just say so and give it a thumbs down. I'm already expecting that to happen anyways.