Well I'm stuck with a GameCube and a PSP. PSP is great but I'm the only one in my grade that even knows what Syphon Filter is and I love S.F online! Anyways I really need to get a new system by summer time. Since PS3 is only like $399 which is a bargain I might get it.
Free online (I think), HD, No ring of death, lot's of good games, cheaper price than when first released, can go online with wireless connection.
No Halo, $399 is still too much, not very much people own it, I might be officially labled as a "Spoiled Brat" even though I'm paying for it...(not saying that those who have a PS3 are spoiled, just that I will be one of the only people in my school to own one)
Halo :), HD, a ton of awesome games, lots of friends own one, $350 is a good price.
Ring of death, you have to pay for online gaming, overheat, cannot go online with wireless connection, all good games are M (not nesesarily a bad thing but if everyone in my family finds out my parents will be critized for allowing me to play "innappropiate games".
Well that's it. Please do NOT tell me to get a Wii because if you do I will hunt you down and b****slap you personally,...JK :D. So please tell me your opinions and hopefully by summer I will make the right choice.