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Top 11 Most Anticipated Games

Well this is my first countdown so I decided to just do something easy. This was originally gonna be 10 but I after redoing the list once I was just to lazy to fix it again so I made it 11 =D.

11. Little Big Planet

To be honest all I can say from the footage I have watched is, "Cool...". I am most definatly gonna rent this (once I rebuy my PS3 :P). If you actually understand what the hype is all about please tell me!

10. Fallout 3

This game looks pretty freiking awesome. Especially the VATS system. Pretty much it lets you target a certain body part and then you shoot. If you aim for the head you will see some pretty cool explosions. Also I love how creative the developers can stuff a teddy bear inside a rocket launcher and shoot it.

9. Bioshock (PS3)

BioShock looked like a great game for the 360 and the PC but now the PS3 gets it. I played the demo on the 360 (I sucked at it though) but it was pretty good.

8. God of War III

I bought the Chains of Olympus Demo for $5 and I will be very honest it was better than some of the games I played on the PSP. This game probably was in CGI at e3 but who knows.

7. James Bond: Quantum of Solace

I love James Bond. Ever since I saw 5 minutes from GoldenEye in 3rd Grade I have been a Bond fan. Not a hardcore one though. Craig's Bond is the best in my opinion. While his preformance is Bond is superior to the others Casino Royale wasn't as good as some. Still is one of the best in my opinion. However this is low on the list because of no driving missions and the fact that this is a movie game.

6. Call of Duty: World at War

I'll be very VERY honest here. I've only played Call of Duty 2. That's right and you know was the demo I downloaded on Divinity's 360. But it was a hell a lot of fun to play. I am looking forward to this next installment.

5. Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

Divinity you'll find this hard to believe but for me story is the most important thing. Really it's the games with the campaigns that I don't want to end that are on the top of my list. This game has a campaign like this (so far from the reviews).

4. Far Cry 2

Ok listen here a 50 hour long campaign (rumored though), free roam, FPS, multiplayer, plust the most realistic game you will ever play. You have to be an idiot to not at least be slightly interested in this game. Also this is probably what Mercenaries really is meant to be. Cuz here you really can do it your own way. For example you can take a nap so you can do a mission during nighttime. You can just run in like a crazy maniac or nice and stealthy. This game is gonna kick some serious ass. Unless Ubisoft screws up big time.

3. Gears of War 2

The first Gears of War was kickass. I loved it. To be honest the Lancer (that gun Marcus is holding) has to be one of the coolest weapons and could top one or two of Resistance's weapons. Despite the fact I don't have a 360, Divinity you better get this or if I visit you without this game your ass is gonna be sore for 2 weeks. But I'm sure you'll get it :lol:!

2. Killzone 2

I know (from what I've heard) the first game sucked. But this looks like a HUGE improvment. The graphics, the AI, and the new cover system looks pretty good. Recently they finally showed off the multiplayer and it looks great. This is a game I am definatly looking forward to adding to my game library.

And last and the best *drum roll*

1. Resistance 2

The first game was amazing. But I was disappointed by the poor character development. However all those problems seem to be fixed. Really what makes me excited is just that I want to see what's gonna happen next. I read about the actual Resistance storyline and it is AWESOME. The multiplayer looks great. Don't watch the beta footage though it actually brought my hopes down. But the new footage brought them back up. A huge campaign, 8 player co-op with a seperate campaign, plus 60 players online with over 70 new multiplayer maps. This is a great value. Click on this link to go to this guy's profile who has a bunch of R2 videos on his profile: If you have a PS3 and want updates on upcoming games then you have to subscribe to this dude. I did and I'm glad I did. Anyways comment and tell me what game you are most hyped up for.