Spring Break has begun and I had a very very steamy and bloody reunion with my PS3 :). So I basically rebeat Killzone 2 (I was already 3/4 done lol) and just played some multiplayer. I was gonna grab Uncharted 2 but I realized that I'm a bit short on money so that's gonna have to wait... So I've downloaded a ton of demos, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God of War III, and Just Cause 2. All of them were great except for Just Cause 2. It seemed repetitive. But the rest were outstanding! Especially God of War III and Uncharted 2. Heavy Rain was awesome too but there wasn't enough content to really see the impact of my decisions. Anyways recently I watched Band of Brothers and I don't have the words to say how amazing it was. Recently HBO made a new series The Pacific. It's alright but so far it's not as good as Band of Brothers. It feels great to finally come back to my PS3 after a long time and hopefully I can find some new "toys" for it :P. Preferably ones with huge explosions :D such as:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2OR Medal of Honor (multiplayer is made by the same ppl, but if the campaign is better in Medal of Honor then I won't get Bad Company 2)
Uncharted 2, Like I said the demo just blew me away. I also LOVE using stealth in it, reminded me of 007 Everything or Nothing, has abad a$$ protagonist, hot chicks, action, explosions, witty one liners and some crazy bad guy. All it's missing are vodka martinis, British accents, Aston Martins and the gadgets.
Alpha Protocol, James Bond RPG ****..enough said. The only thing really keeping me from being excited about this game is just the fact that Sega's publishing it...so I'm really hoping they don't f*** this game up like they do with all of their other games.
Well that's it and hope you guys have a good one :) Oh and I hear a new Rise Against album may be coming out this year!! I would post some of my favorite songs by them but I'm too lazy :P
Hey guys new Killzone 2 review click on the link! http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/killzone2/player_review.html?id=714391&tag=all-about;review1So please read it and tell me what you think of the review. This was my first review in a very very long time so I hope my reviewing abilities haven't rusted over the years :P
Update! Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review!! Clink on the link and tell me your opinion (haha get it Click on the Link :P lol I know that pun sucked)http://www.gamespot.com/gamecube/action/thelegendofzelda/player_review.html?id=714478&tag=all-about;review1