@XspidervenomX What do you want from Halo? A 15 hour long campaign? If you make it longer than it already is, then it's bound to get old. Plus for a straight Forward FPS, you should not be looking at how long the game is, no leave that to open world games. What you should be looking for is if you are satisfied once you're done. Every Halo game, other than Halo 2, I have been satisfied. Halo 1 was probably around 9 hours long, but in the end I felt satisfied for how great the game was. How long a game is should not even matter. Plus, I think you missed the part when I said If you played Skyrim's main mission, its no longer than Halo. Same with Mass Effect, same GTA. And I've read online, people kept saying that they beat Crysis 2 on 4-11 hours, 11 hours on Vet, which I am assuming is the highest difficulty.
@XspidervenomX Halo is not an open world game, those games you just mentioned have side missions, If you played Skyrim straight through, you could beat it fast.
Phatjking12's comments