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Phazor58 Blog

Time for Another Blog

Haven't blogged in quite awhile.  Well, here's what's been going on lately...

All 8 of my PvE characters are level 20, still trying to get through all three games with all of my characters (slowly but surely).  I tried to make a hardcore character on Diablo, but BNet has some weird issues with deleting my character in 10 days even after I've played for the 2 hours required.

In RL grades are all A's, soccer is pretty good, lots of loyal friends.  So my life is going well (besides the fact that my stomach hurts...)

Well then, new Game, New Professions, Fresh Start

Well, Nightfall is certainly looking great.  I got rid of my PvP slot for another character (a ranger), so I had to make a guest account for the event.  The heroes system is very good and the content in the game is very well organized.  It was great to see them make a title for questing.  Can't wait till the 27th.


Well, hey I'm Phazor, Phaz, whatever you'd like to call me (within reason of course O.o).  I enjoy playing MMORPGs, 1 player RPGs, and soccer.  My advice for new gamers.  Save up money for a good game that you are willing to play for a long time, as in many years to come.  If you don't think the game will interest you for that long, don't buy it.