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Pheinoixsgirl Blog


Yeah, school. It's probably a topic that's been flying around a lot lately. I'm actually not ranting about it, it's just that I noticed I haven't done a blog entry on here in almost a year and I figured it was about time I did. But I've got nothing to write about except school. And maybe my summer, but it wasn't all that interesting other the bearded dragon my brother found a little over a week ago. It's officially "my little baby". :D

I'm actually looking forward to this school year. I've got my first AP courses this year (my school doesn't offer AP courses to any grade under Juniors, unless you somehow manage to get into Calculus in ninth or tenth grade). I know people who would dread AP courses, but I've always loved a good challenge.

Another upside to this year is that I know almost all of my teachers already. My english teacher is the same one I had last year and is one of my two SAT Prep teachers. My Calculus teacher was my ninth grade Algebra 2 teacher and is the other SAT Prep teacher. I have two different band courses this year ( because the only orchestra period is the same time as the only higher level Physics course) and it's the same director that I've had for the last two years. My engineering teacher is the best friend of the teacher I would have had (who was, in turn, a good friend of mine) if he hadn't transferred to a different school. The Physics teacher has been advising me lately on colleges and went to and graduated from one of the colleges I've really wanted to go to (Northwestern University in Illinois). In truth, the only teacher I don't know at least a little bit is the US History teacher, since he's new to the school.

It's been so long since I've been on here that I'm not sure how to end this, other than to say that I hope you all are doing well.

House, MD Sites

Okay, so there's two sites I frequent for the purpose of discussing the show "House, MD". The first is the one I frequent more often and the one I suggest for almost purely discussion of the shows: If you decide to join this group, please PM Jacob and tell him House's Student referred you. Many thanks.

The other, which is a good source of amateur and good-enough-to-be-professional fanfics of "House" is: Here, you can share your own personal ideas for the show and such.

Class Breakdown

As all high schoolers do, I have a myriad of classes I'm taking this year (8 to be exact). I figured that I've survived through the classes long enough to be able to pass judgement on them. I hate giving reasons except in special circumstances (God knows I do too much of that at school), so if you want to know why, ask at your own risk.

Just because I like to be difficult, I've got a system for whether or not I like the class or the teacher.

+++=Like both class and teacher
++=Like only the class
+=Like only the teacher
-=Only barely tolerate either one (this often has a reason)

Gym (PE)=++
The thing with this one is that I prefer one of the other gym teachers during that class period to the one I've actually got. That happens often with me and gym class.

GT English (World Lit)=+++
Other than the fact that the teacher has VERY high expectations of GT students, she's not too bad.

GT World History=+++
I love history and since we're starting out with ancient civilizations, I'm reminded of my days in Mr. Keegan's class in sixth grade. I loved that year and this year's looking good so far.

Fundamentals of Art=-
There's a couple big no-no's for this one. First of all, I requested a Tech class. Second of all, I'm not the best person when it comes to art class (and especially drawing) and I've been known to be a big complainer about those things. Third of all, as you probably know, the art class kids aren't always the best-behaved. Same deal here. Last of all, the teacher has her good moments but let's just say she's not my favorite.

Symphonic Band=+++
Always my most favorite class (well, either band or strings, depending on the year you're talking about). You guys, I believe, already know I'm first chair. If all goes well, that'll continue. Plus, you'll hear me talk about Patterson a lot. He's one of the most inspirational people I've ever met and my second favorite teacher of all time (following my middle school orchestra teacher, as you migh expect.) I love that man. 'Nuff said. :D

Honors Pre Calculus=++ or +++
This the only class I haven't passed a formal judgement on the teacher. That could be good or bad.

GT Chemistry=++ or +++
Scratch what I said last time. I have no idea about this teacher either. However, I love the class. Chemistry is something I've really been looking forward to.

Spanish 3=+++
I'm trying to change my bad habit of falling asleep in Spanish class. It isn't working so far but I'm glad I don't sit in the very front of the class like I did last year.

That's about it: my official word on classes. More than likely, my next blog post will be about the extracurricular activities.

Pheinoix's Girl AKA StarDragger AKA Neebler AKA a whole bunch of other names I don't feel like naming.


Now, normally I'm not someone who puts much grandeur into leveling up. That's partially because I have no reason to brag and partly because if the Literary Experiences Union realized that their leader was a lower level than most of them...chaos. Even from such nice people, believe me.

But, it's kind of a special occasion. Why, you're probably asking (either why is it special or why do I (you, the reader) care?) Seeing as how my name is Pheinoix's Girl, I figured a celebration of my being a rank that shares my name should be in order.


Now, on to bigger things...

DHS Band

We had our 1st Annual Music Awards Banquet at school tonight. It was a blast and I'm sad that the band director had to miss it because his little boy was born today but life's like that sometimes. I don't blame him.

I ended up getting Most Improved, something that I rarely get. I hate to brag, but most of the time, whatever I'm doing, I do well in the first place. This time, though, I started on saxophone just this year (October or November). Already, I'm first chair out of four, including myself. Even I'm amazed. I suppose going from nothing to first chair is quite an acomplishment.

I think we elected a great group for our band staff of next year. I was sad that I didn't get elected to VP of Recruitment, but the person who got it deserved it since she lost out on President. She'll be a Junior next year and could probably do it better anyway. The Band President's a great guy and should bring us pretty far. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he got re-elected again next year for the band staff of my junior year.

Phil Vassar Concert

I hope some of you here know who Phil Vassar is. I went to a nice little concert of his on Friday and was blown away.

It's a Friday, but I refuse to talk about school (for now, at least). I had the best Cinco de Mayo celebration and it wasn't even in Spanish. I found out on Wednesday that Phil Vassar would be playing at Rosecroft Raceway on Friday. It was only $10 for an up close and personal concert and a signed copy of his most recent CD.

Phil is so funny! He really throws his true personality into his concerts. He really got the crowd going and had a funny habit of interjecting other songs in the middle of his own. One of which was Jingle Bells! (Only the beginning of it, though.) I was getting into the music and I swear he was staring at me and we were singing together during one of his songs. I was so dazed that I'm not even sure which song it was but listening to his songs at the moment ought to refresh my memory. Phil's been one of my favorites for a while now, but it's official that he's number one. Maybe I'll meet you at a Meet and Greet-type thing one of these days!

After moving out of my seat near the beginning of the concert to squat a few rows from the stage (yes, it was that informal), I probably couldn't have been more amazed at how close I was. Until the end and I came up to the edge of the stage, that is. Okay, I'm trying to build suspense but I can't take it any longer. I got to shake hands with Phil himself! I'm in heaven as I type this journal and look back. Phil, you're so approachable and I hope you never change. I may never have the ability to sing really well, but as a poet, I hope to get the chance to write music with you in the future.

I've been listening to Phil's music every day, all week. For most people, two CDs the whole week would drive someone crazy. Not me. The only song I wanted to hear after my softball game today was "Six Pack Summer". Other than that, I've been in a good mood from yesterday and I'll be walking on air for quite a while.

Plethora of Poetry

It's Saturday night and surprise, surprise I've got nothing to do. So, why not post some of the stuff I got back from my Creative Writing teacher on Friday? It's been so long since I've been on Gamespot (other than within the last week) that none of the stuff I got back is posted. I'd post it for the Lit Experiences people to read on the actual Union page, but I'm toolazy to make three separate posts right now. Maybe later if I don't get a response...

Anyways, the three poems and a set of "what if" questions are:

The Blues

It shows
its true colors
in love
both good and bad.

He says
he sees it in my eyes
And no longer
is it in my heart.

In true love,
it's a calm glow
But no,
not a rosy hue.

A vibrant color.
My favorite
though it's seen as sadness
and invisibility.

Is it his favorite?
I don't know
and I don't care.
He is mine.

I have so little
in my heart.
I only wish
we could talk more often.

The Most Important People

A friend
Who is a friend?
It is someone you can rely on;
Someone to help you.

Not only that,
they teach you right and wrong
and you help them
When they fall short of their own expectations.

My friend
Who are my friends?
Those people whom I relieve of pain
and would easily do the same for me.

They are the teachers that help me learn
The family that helps me grow
The buddies I can count on
And maybe some people I don't know yet.

Your friend
Who are your friends?
Are they the people who care if you're popular
Or the ones who think you are just because you're their friend?

They can be anyone
But they shouldn't be everyone
Because the wouldn't be true friends.
Popularity is mythical.

You shouldn't be judged
solely on how many friends ou have
But also
On how good of friends they are.

The friend
Support and help
Love and friendship
Learning and growing.

What if...

the sun was blue?
we were aliens and cats were the only true inhabitants?
we didn't have gravity?
Shakespeare was still alive?
none of the people in Creative Writing had sick minds?
everything was green?
you needed a license to have sex?
you failed the above test?

Airy folklore
Hexing wizards

A disturbed necromancer
Forecasting fate

An ominous jinni
Mystifying even shamans

Exotic enchantments
Enticingly enchanting monsters

Auspicious runes
Vaguely prophesying about phantasies.

P.S: if that last one didn't necessarily make sense to you, don't fret. Either find a dictionary and decode it or never worry about it again. We were doing fantasy and my teacher gave us a list of words to use. From whence came the above.

2nd Person Point of View

I'm sitting in Creative Writing class and my teacher decides to do Second Person Point of View. I'm getting a serious brain fart about what it is until she hands a story to us that's in 2nd PPOV. It's the "you" form, or whatever you want to call it.

I must say that I had a bit too much fun trying to write my own. See there's this kid at my school named Alex who's known for two things: his craziness and his obsession with me. For so long now, I've wanted to tell him off so he'll leave me alone. Only problem is, I'm scared of what he'd do to me. So I took my anger out and wrote this:

You don't seem to be understanding the clues that everybody's been giving you. No one likes you! They talk to you to mess with you. They laugh at you to humor you because they're afraid of you. Courtney is genuinely scared of you. She hates you and runs away because she knows you're crazy. Not thinks, knows.

As does someone who used to admire you, even loved you, crazy as it sounds. Me. You hurt me when you started to show your true colors again. People have gotten better after knowing me. Your problems are obviously too deep. Your violent fantasies. Swords; bombs; weird, crazy and supposedly invincible alter ego. The CloU. What the heck? You're a complete and utter psycho.

Enough of you hearing me ranting. Do you have a good enough excuse?

To which my teacher commented:

"Harsh! 2nd person is a good way to establish voices."

long time, no see

It's been so long since I've been on here, it's not even funny! School gets in the way like that. My long absence only got me kicked from one union and it wasn't one I interacted with that much anyway. Let's see if I can keep up with around here. I'll probably only be around every weekend. It's hard to remember everything during the week.

I've written a lot of things in Creative Writing and I hope to post those on my blog and for Lit Experiences to read. I'm sure Gamephilia will be happy about my return as he comes back to power there. Or maybe not.

A lot's happened, but not much worth mentioning unless I go into full descriptions and that'll take all week... I suppose I should start then, shouldn't I?

Anyway, hello again to everybody and maybe I'll have the chance to converse with you soon! I'd like to end with a quote I've probably already posted before:

"If nobody dislikes you for what you're doing, then you're doing something wrong."


Yo, don't know who's been on. I do have a poem and a funny story on here if you aren't too lazy to scroll down. Hope you enjoy!
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