The Story Behind Pheinoix
by Pheinoixsgirl on Comments
Pheinoix (I refuse to reveal his real name) is a very good friend of mine, whom I met online in July. It has been nice having someone who understands me so well and knows what to say. While he may not be the most academically intelligent (or so he says), he knows the important stuff and lives by it. He has intelligence beyond his age just as most people claim that I do. Mind you, I'm not bragging, it's just what people say about me. That's why I like him so much. As I said, he understands what that's like. He has always (since I've met him) encouraged me to speak my mind to him. Whether it is for practice or so that he can understand me, you'd have to ask him. I really don't know what else to say. He's been what most call a Godsend, but I believe that's an understatement. Who knows? It's funny, at times, we talk as if we aren't teenagers ourselves. Usually talking about how kids these days just don't understand how some things work or refuse to. It's not always their fault, though. Usually some type of banter about respect or some such. What can I say? We're weird. But you get the idea. My mom says that that means we've been raised right when we talk about stuff like that. I agree wholeheartedly.