It depends on whether or not you played Madden 09 and NBA 2k9 and which sport you like more. I think Madden is better just because they made more changes. NBA 2k9 and NBA 2k10 are exactleythe same.
PhiliEagles' forum posts
They have my e-mail and no I didn't ask because I barley found out about it like an hour ago. I pre-ordered it because I heard theywere selling thelimited edition at regular price, I didn't know about the beta. I hope I still get it. :|
I thought BC would have a good chance since MW 2 for pc won't get deticated servers and BC 2 will, but either way BC 2 is better in my opinion. And I'm getting both.
How long ago did you pre-order it and how did you preorder it (online or in-store)? Cause I went to gamestop today and preordered it.
Socom Confrontation was the worst game I've ever played...I hope I dont get any hate mail from socom fanboys :|
I need some games, so what are some good ps3 games for $30 or less.
Games i own: Prototype, Ufc Undisputed, LBP, COD W@W
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