Philz20's comments

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Edited By Philz20

I really enjoyed the article because it is exactly how I view the series. The one exception would be your take on Brotherhood where you felt it didn't quite feel like a significant sequel. I disagree because it added more meaningful ways of earning income, the underground caverns were very well-designed, recruiting and using assassins made you feel like Ezio has actual authority, the war machines added fun diversity to the game, and most importantly the crossbow finally made its debut. Revelations felt too dumbed down, and I believe a large part of that was due to it being the first game without Patrice Desilets at the helm. The story was fine, but the bomb crafting felt forced and there really weren't any side missions to do. I hope they utilize the hookblade more in III as that was a nice and "practical" addition, and I hope they set the series in a more recent time like the French Revolution or my personal preference of Victorian England. Going further back in time like Ancient Egypt would be a mistake with all the advances they've introduced in the recent games. I also agree that they need to have a new main character that can surpass Ezio which is a very tall order but necessary if the game is going to succeed.