Jody, I believe you should reveal how long people have to watch live broadcasts to receive an emblem. Using me as an example, my wireless connection is not the most stable--it cuts out once in a while without any reason. If I am about to do something very important online, I make sure to pull the ethernet cable from my Xbox 360 and connect it to my computer so I have a more stable connection. If you revealed how long the timer is for someone to earn an emblem for watching a live feed, the amount of complaints and concerns would decrease, and most important of all, it would let the emblem lovers take the necessary steps to prepare themselves from not being cut out from a live stream. That's all that I have to say, and I sincerely hope you consider my words.
As a leader and officer of a few struggling unions, these features would benefit us a lot. Those features will make people join up, and will guarantee a union's success for a long time. If GameSpot decides to implement this, I hope this takes weeks to implement, not months. Making unions better should be a very high priority of theirs.
Another good idea would to increase maximum video file upload size to 500MB since there are quite a few great videos that I have, but a few are more than 100MB.
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