I'm currently reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and its bringing me to some realizations. Morals are formed out of people who feel this way or that way will be more benefitial than another. If another not necessarily disagrees, but chooses another path of choice that has no inherent descruction to it they are considered immoral. Either if it its unorthodox or sacriligous, the general poplulous force individuals into outcasts or silence. Some people become so blind to their own way of thinking, they reject any opposers are idiots or whatnot. My point is- and I'm getting their- why can't see the basic reasoning behind these standards that are set. Morals are more of an A or B choice in a single player game, but the basic consideration for other people online seemed to be lost somewhere on the keyboard. People have their beliefs or whatnot, and outside its considered polite to allow others to have theirs. Within the virtual world of many avatars, that is gone. "my way or the highway" seems to be the theme. I'm not talking religon or viewpoints, but just simple preferences or requests made in game. I've met many leaders ask what everyone wants to do, whether its pistols only, or traction control should be on or locked. I greatly respect those players. Most I meet, have their rules predefined, and its their match. If you don't like it, than leave. I really don't have a problem about this though. I have a problem when the winners start to brag, and the losers start to whine or make excuses as if the other players are judging him. "I owned you". ok great, now you just eliminated my fun factor. I don't mind losing, if I did, I'd stop playing Halo and Forza. but, as soon the top bracket starts to downgrade I get irritated. Joking around is fun, but its very obvious whether they are or not. Then theirs the sore losers- you get the point. Now if people starting to think of how the other gamers viewed him as a person, not based on skill, don't you think they would start to cool off their ego? show more consideration towards others? I do. Unfortunately its this trend everyone falls into, and those who choose another path-- to be nicer-- is forced into silence or is outcasted by those who have the egos.
they're may be a few hyperboles in there, but my ramble is done. I've always wanted to blog about something anyway