Now I have to choose PS3 and Laptop........
Damn! I can't choose!
Now I have to choose PS3 and Laptop........
Damn! I can't choose!
PS3 because I caught an eye for these games
*Tekken 6
Wii because, of these games
*Kirby's Epic Yarn
*Super Mario/Luigi Galaxy
*New Super Mario Bros. Wii
*Metroid: Other M
Please this is just my wish list... I know I can't buy them at ones!
If only the price of 3DS will lower!
If only it has some Tekken games at any DS Handheld!
I'm planning to buy neither of them but what is the best?!
or :shock:
This is a little tricky. If you want perfect stars
If you're not sure about breaking that block? Use the Quick Save pattern... How?
Step 1: Play a Puzzle
Step 2: Tap "Pause" and Tap "Quick Save"
Step 3: Go tap the "Quick Save Button"
Trick 1: If you accidentally break the wrong block (And you finish the Steps)
Quit the current puzzle and DON'T ERASE the Quick save file
Trick 2: When you exit, go to the main menu of PiCross
Trick 3: Tap the "Quick Save" and done, you go back to your current puzzle without any flaws
Note 1: This is just like the normal Save thing like Pokemon or other games
This is what I mastered, Heheh
If you wanted Pictures, go to my Images. I had some Picross 3D picx
-How to win-
1. Finish AND read the tutorial
2. See next page of mine...
A. The Technique for perfect!
Observe the Squared Puzzled
Start with the Zeros, if not use your Sudoku Instincts
If you comit mistakes, retry and memorize your progress (Sometimes, it's frustrating) just to save your stars.
B. The Technique for Unlocks (I mean the Star you need to unlock puzzle)
Still, Observe.....
But the thing is, no need to retry if you comit mistakes. 'Cause it doesn't count.
Note: I read this as Pi (3.1416) Cross (+)
I played a rental console and I don't take chances, so I played Assasin's Creed 2. Man, even if you'd like it or not............. It's So Zetta AWESOME!
My first review is somewhat wrong. So I... umm, do it again right.
This is for filling my Page soo...
That's it...
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