What makes Project Offset so great is that is probably the most fluid game I've ever seen in my life up until this point. The engine is well designed, the 3D models are well built, and the animation to bring the two together is done extremely well. It is probably one of the games I'm looking forward to more than most games. And it's not for any of the reasons I've just mentioned.
For me, the real excitement comes from the fact that three guys working out of an apartment started Project Offset. This is really how I feel all great game studios should begin. Big game studios lose sight, in my opinion, of what's actually fun and begin to churn out copy after copy of first person shooters where you just go around blasting as many aliens, or mutated bugs, or monsters as possible with a seemingly unlimited supply of bullets.
Offset Software, the folks behind Project Offset, are now a team of 19. And their work so far is amazing (go check out Sneak Peek 2 in their Downloads section). They're starting to really get the recognition they deserve and it's inspiring to anyone who ever even dreamed of starting their own game studio. These guys are making that dream happen. I'm certainly keeping my eye on this game.
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