I recently started a website called Wiiniis-United [http://Wiiniis-United.co.nr]. On the site we basically review Nintendo Wii and DS games. All of the reviews I have posted are also on the website. Please check out the website (and join too!). I also need a few more Reviewers on the team. In total, I only have about 4-5 Reviewers inckuding myself. If you rent games often (or get some illegal copies of games, which I do NOT condone) feel free to come to our site as a reviewer. Of course I will have to see how well you can write a review and how descriptive it can be, so either e-mail me the review at [xxxjxx][@][gmail.com] or go to my website's forum and post it up in the "Player Reviews" section. Hopefully, I will see you there! ^_^
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