Trainer Info: Player: Ash IDNo: 46548 Money: 121487 PokeDollars Badges: 13 PokeDex: Own - 172 / Seen - 214 Time: 94hours:46minutes
Now here's my team as of now and all of their stats.
Pidgeotto - Level 24 Eevee - Level 32 Golbat - Level 55 Farfetch'd - Level 37 Egg (Future Elekid) Egg (Future Igglybuff) So there we go. This journal thing is pretty nifty.
Pokemon Stats
by PikachuAshNat on Comments
Hello to anyone reading this, here's my first entry (obviously...) and since I really have nothing of real interest to ramble on about, I'll post my Pokemon Silver stats. Wow, that was a long sentence. So, here we go.