Pikastupid Blog
What next?
by Pikastupid on Comments
So I finally managed to pluck up the courage and hand in my resignation letter to my manager today. Made sure he understoof that I was extremely grateful for having this opportunity and experience but the industry just isn't of interest to me and I find it hard to get excited about a product I have no interest in to market.
So.. what now? Did I do the right thing? From a personal view, yes of course I did. The job was stimulating or exciting and the environment I was(still am at the moment) working in, is incredibly mind-numbingly boring and irritating - some things I left out when talking to my manager. I simply can't make myself stay in a job which I have no interest in, purely for the money aspect. So yes I did do the right things.
Was it right for me to leave at this time in the economy? Probably not, no.. I saw on television this morning that unemployment in people aged between 18-25 has hit the 1 million mark and there I was handing in my notice. I don't know how long it's going to take for me to find a new job, I'm kind of putting my hopes into networking more at MCM Expo at the end of the month. I'll be looking into game internships and any other vacant positions, trying to post more on sites like this to try and gain some recognition in some shape or form.
The way I look at it, is that Im 23 - almost on the wrong side of 20 - but Im still young and I dont feel like I should be stuck in a tedious job when I can push myseld to excl in the industry that I actually want to be in.
So anyone in the UK looking for a PR or Marketing Assistant in the games industry... I am your girl! I am ambitious and eager when working for something I have a huge interest in =)
Lighting connectors.... just not something I can get excited about..! >_>
The Resignation
by Pikastupid on Comments
The Cost of Gaming
by Pikastupid on Comments
I tell you what, being a gamer sure does teach you the value of money, or rather.. how to budget and save! The couple of months (and the next few to come) have been packed full with new releases for us to enjoy. Unfortunately I just can't afford them all! For one thing, I had to fork out for a new xbox, since mine had met its death in July last year, and no before you ask, I didn't wait a year to buy a new, I went to Australia for 8 months instead. This did mean, that I had to sell all my games to raise some cash for my trip. I got rid of everything.. my xbox games, my wii and wii games, and ds and games too. It was a hard thing do, but had to be done!
I was lucky when I came back in June, because I managed to land a job within 2 months of being home (if you see my previous post, you'll know that it hasn't quite turned out as I thought) which meant... on my first pay day.. the xbox was back in my possession! Horaay! The only game I have bought since then is Gears of War 3, but I had that on pre-order months ago. So, I have allowed myself one major purchase a month. This month I bought another Wii and Wii Fit, next month, perhaps a 3DS.. The issue now is.. having the money to buy the games for the consoles. I've already missed out on Deus Ex, Rage, Dark Souls etc.. I will get them, I'll just be a little behind than everyone else. I will however by buying Batman: Arkham City when that arrives in a weeks and Zelda: Skyward Sword too.
Anyway, the point of this blog was to emphasis how much discipline I have become now that I have a couple of consoles again. I could easy go out and buy all these games, and while I don't think it'll be a waste of money, I can wait a while until they drop in price and be a little more sensible with my spending =)
Happy Gaming!!
The Famous PS3 vs Xbox War
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