Single Player of course. Years back when Multiplayer was starting on PC's, Id say it was Single Player 70% MP 30%, But man, for the past 3 years especially, deathmatch, TDM, CTF, capture Point, goodness me, its sooo old. Sure they're cool, but I think its because Consoles where only finally entering the age of multiplayer that those gametypes have lasted dominantly for so long, so its slowed MP innovation down on all platforms, now they're finally wanting more COOP like I wanted ages ago, so thats finally entering the market more and more. I think most people really define Singleplayer as this experiance of story and a very user defined experiance, and multplayer is the empty frag fest which is fun with friends, or cool for competition. Its about time the two are more firmly melded, and given the option, to play games full of high quality story, with a user defined experiance, and having other players in your world. Even coop only seems to be aimed at this experiance as always having your friends at your sides, doing the same mission you are, thats still awesome, and I want more of that then ever before. But Id like to see a game thats not an mmo, that offers a world, perhaps where its say, a sandbox world like GTA, but there could be 3 to even 50 differant characters with all their own stories and jobs and missions to be doing, both scripted taken missions, and constant dynamic objectives that can be done which relate to the other players playing the other characters. It's a Weird un-elaborated idea, but im just making this up on the spot from the myriad of thoughts ive had over many years. Still, untill multiplayer adds more depth, even when it does, theres nothing like saying screw you to your friends, turning off all phones and IM programs and fraggin AI, no matter what the Genre, it will just never grow old.
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