Fanboyism Throwbacks
by Pimponaholiday on Comments
With the release of Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 I have seen some of the worst fanboy war I have since the launch of the PS3. I would rather keep my alligence to myself, I would like to get it out there that at this point in time I am so glad people are still into games this heavy. I thought that there for a while the fanboys were disappearing like a panda (I hate pandas. kudos to the scene in Tropic Thunder). When people argue over which game is better and which system is "pimper" (wtf. srlsy.), it makes me feel younger again. It's not like I'm old by anymeans (21),but I have done some major growing up in the past few years and I stay busy constantly which keeps me away from gaming almost all together. It's just that last time it was at this point was back when Halo: CE struck a chord with people and all the flak began. Back then gaming was everything to me, and now watching from the outside as the Sony and Microsoft figthers rip, rape, and ravage eachother down to their bones (skullfu**kers) is a helluva throwback to better days. I just say embrace the hate and just go ahead and let that comment about how the guys in Gears put cogs up eachothers asses get under your skin.
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