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I am no longer single. YAY!!

Well, I'll just go ahead and tell the whole story. It is fairly short anyway.

I work overnights(10pm - 6:30am) at the Target here in Maryville and about a month ago there was a Logistics Team Leader (TL) change. Our last TL we had was too laid back to really be a Leader. We were getting out of the store late, always. So he "left" and our new TLs are great. We're keeping more people that we hire and nights are going so much smoother.

Now, this girl comes in about a week ago, and I just think she's the hottest thing on earth. Long blonde wavy hair, same height as me, slim but not skinny. A lot more outgoing than I am. So, naturally I lay low for a few days. Basically, seeing if she's just putting on a show or not. Friday morning at around 3am (very light Truck that night) everybody left, but a few other people to help put up Electronics, because everyone who usually worked Electronics was scheduled off (D'oh!). Well, she was one of the people, along with myself, and we start putting up Electronics.

It's just the two of us at this point and we start talking, naturally. I was basically given no choice but to turn on the charm, right? :D We start putting up games, and she says "You must not be much of a gaming fan huh?" because I was having problems locating a certain game (MOH: Rising Sun for PS2). I'm just thinking at this point "Oh my God, she's a gamer too!"

So, we're talking about games and stuff, and she tells me that I'm just so sweet....and that she's going to marry me. I just say okay and move on. Then, we start telling other people that we're getting married....the next week. We're playfully poking and jabbing at each other...something I always do to test the grounds.

We eventually finish up in electronics and it's time to clock out and go home. Well, she has to call her sister to get her some gas, and like the absolute IDIOT that I am, I do not offer to wait with her or offer to get some gas for her. No, what do I do? I go home. I realise once I'm out site of the store what I have just done. I may have just blown my one and only chance, because I'm off for the next two nights.

The whole weekend I didn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't.

Now, I go into work Sunday night (this past night, which is basically my Monday) absolutely PRAYING she didn't quit or anything. She didn't thankfully and is the first thing I notice at the clock station. So, I clock in and she's waiting for me (Yes!!) and we go to the backroom together. She's telling me how much she missed me Friday. At this point we're walking arms around each other.

We go through our usual routine (Unloading the Truck, going to Green world to start stocking, blah, blah, blah). We're finishing up Blue world (the second section we stock) when it happens. These three guys start talking ****. Telling her to STFU (remember I told you she was outgoing) and all that Jazz. She starts getting pissed. And, I start calming her down. Hugging often, listening to her, talking, basically what I did in High School. Trying to keep her happy.

Red world (3rd section) comes, and it subsides for a while. Then they start again (ugh, I hate IDIOTS). She's pissed again, and I'm seriously connecting with her (this was the same **** I went through before, so I really related). So, I lightly kiss her on the side of the head and hug her, and she says "Thanks."

From that point on we're really friendly. And, not afraid to walk around arm-in-arm. Basically flipping the bird to those guys and saying "FU, I'm not gonna get pissed at anything you say." They, surprisingly shut up the rest of the night.

The end of the night came and we clock out and I walk her out to her car. I hug her to leave, and I didn't even think about it and just went for it. I kissed her, and to my surprise, she kissed me back. So, I was and still am extremely happy. :D


Now, on a gaming tangent, I bought MGS3 and HL2 and they roXXerZ my BoXXerZ. Love both.

Thanks for reading and hopefully commenting.


Edit: No that wasn't long at ALL. :D