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Pinky31437 Blog


Dear Me,

Hey there guys - real sorry for not being on for a REAL long time. Was kinda busy with school and exams and shi- I mean stuff...

Anyway, I can see a lot has changed since last time I was on. It's gonna take a while for me to get the hang of things... so cheers, I'm off to get re-acquainted with the site




Dear Me,

Sorry I haven't been here in a while, the internet was down...

Yay! Our internet is woking again!! It was giving me problems, but now it's fixed. Hopefully I might be able to post more often, and send messeges to all my friends...

Shame looks like the beanie babie union went down the tubes... I wish there was something I could have done.

A new Final Fantacy is coming oit, I dunno when but it looks real cool. It's called Final Fantacy VII. I couldn't believe it! If my calculations are corect its the seventh FF game.

Anyways I have 2 get go now, got a loong day ahead of me...




Dear Me,

This is pathetic, the beanie babie union is getting nowhere! They dont post or not nearly enough to get us somewhere.....

And our leader resigned!! it is really bugging me that other unions are doing alot better than we are.

Anywho, I'll try and make a difference.



Dear Me,

Nothing interessting to write about today.... I'm at my grans work(I'm bored outa my scull) Too bad they dont have a tv or I would have taken my ps2 with......

How do you guys fight boredom, when you really have nothing to do? (That includes reading...)



Dear Me,

I am in search of real kick a$$ games, action and guns.... I need to update my collection and I'm getting bored with the ones I already have(games for ps2)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.:lol:



Dear Me,

I have been demoted from my union(I didnt visit the site in such a loooooong time I get demoted) I havn't really posted anything since... i dunno.

it's been a hectic 2 months- examz.... u know the rest


Anywho i got a lot of catching up 2 do so I'll chat l8er( and thanx to everyone who had a comment on my previous entry)



Dear Me,

I currently have 5 friends and i'm at level 5(0%) that sux, I want more friendz and a higher rank I have no idea how mrsxbox and crash and all my friends got that far in like less than a year???

Ive been working real hard to get where i am now but i only have 5 friends and i'm struggling with my current rank it is hard to get anywhere level 1-3 was easy to complete.

anyways I cant wait for this weekend and then im getting the sims2 EP, so goodbye i got to go. :D



Dear Me,

It was my b-day last weekend and all I got was cash, I was hoping to get the sims university or zoo tyoon or even Jak 3.

:( but all I got was 200 bucks( around $ 34 ) atleast it was something!! :/

Anyways I'm to my gran this weekend and i'm going to shop 'till I drop, shop 4 cd's and ps2 and pc games that is :D I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So anyways


The Sims University

Dear Me,

Hi, Sorry i havent been writing my thoughts dowan in a long time...

I really cant wait to get my hands on the sims 2 university.... Im soooooooo xited!!!!!!!

Too bad it only comes out in like a month, so my gran said that i have to cut down on the sweets( not that im fat or anything) but the money is a bit tight for a few months.... so we can save up 4 the sims university...

I hate building my own house( the layout mostly) but other than that i will be play ing the rest of my life.....

Too bad I still have to go to school... :(

But for now i have to be patient so I can play it again this weekend... So 4 now...


Memory Cards

Dear Me

I hate it when i'm playing a game and I want to save but I cant becoze there isnt a memory card that isnt being used.

And They are bloody expensive too, the only way I can get one is If i beg my mom or i have to save up (butthat takes too long)

And my mom doesnt want to get me one ( BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

Anyways I gotta go


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