I haven't been on gamespot for few weeks and now i noticed that the webiste when u go into specfic system and click new release games doesn't show the that specfic system games that is released for that specfic system you choose... is it a bug?? or the game site is all screwed up?
Pinkygirl007's forum posts
I was thinking of getting patapon. was either deciding rather to get the 1st . or tne 2nd one...
which one is better compared to both??
It would make more sense if you actually had both to compare... and if you only had the ds lite.. and not the dsi.. u can't compare because u actually didn't have the expereince to try out the dsi.So which ds do you prefer? I'd go with the lite becuz i don't think the DSi is anymore special with its camera and the rather unimpressive (IMO) DSi ware. I don't think there is any reason to shell out more money for a DSi if you alredy have a Lite.
1. Pokemon Diamond 2. Elite Beat Agents 3. Final Fantasy iii All of these games have high replay value and are addicting as hell!blooddog28Get pokemon platium instead.
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