What a sad day in the E3. A lot of blabla and they can receive the hit from Microsoft.
There is not too much to say first Super Mario Bros VII something like that, please Nintendo UPDATE your games.
The Wii Motion Plus ........ I heard it before am I wrong??, if we compare this with Project Natal there is nothing much to say you need to hire more Engineers to improve that control, yes there are new possibilities but against Natal you need to do a better effort
Enix - Square, with another FF for Nintendo. Kingdom hearts again and again bring a new kind of game Nintendo. I know that games are interesting but we want to see anything new and the next RPG is new Mario and Luigi hehe for the DS and others that, like Golden Sun that is promising. The other games of DS is simple there is no need to comment about them but I liked this comment for the live blog "Players can also shop in each other's boutiques. An ironic "Whoo!" from one audience member draws a few laughs." and after all this "crap" more games for the DS and more crap.
I liked one thing from the conference:
The Mario game that they showed was very interesting but interesting isn't enough. Resident Evil, looks great, only a small teaser but we need more, after all this Dead Space saved some of this conference so I gave this game the :) prize.
Metroid other M, was cool and I gave that game the 8) prize.
But at the end this was a crap, so all the conference received the :evil: prize.