Hello everyone :) sorry I was gone for so long! I got family drama -_- but on the plus side, I've been accepted to Southwest Community College! :D This blog is about killjoys in certain video games that anger/annoy me to NO end! >:(
1. The Aztec Complex (GoldenEye 007)
Ok to begin with this, I normally hate FPSs but this game is an exception. GoldenEye 007 may be laughably outdated by today's standards but to this day it still remains one of my favorite N64 games. I don't know why but I just never tire of playing it. :/ While it is amazing, there's this one mission that me along with most GoldenEye players consider to be the hardest mission in the whole game. The Aztec Complex mission. While it SEEMS easy, it is NOT. I don't know where to begin with this place. The guards or laser troopers as people call them have the strongest weaponry in the whole d*** game! With their infinite numbers and the unfortunate lack of a radar, you're not gonna have an easy time! Also if you die ANYWHERE in the stage, you gotta start all over again. Very frustrating! The worst part about this level is coming across Jaws. Not only does he have two assault rifles on him it takes 15 laser headshots to kill him! Are you f***ing serious?!! To make matters worse, if you kill Jaws, an alarm goes off and there's a swarm of laser troops ambushing you! Rage-quit much? Out of all the years I spent playing GoldenEye, I still haven't beaten the level! >:( Too bad I don't own the game anymore. Well that's the end of this killjoy. On to the next one!
2. Death Mountain (Zelda II)
I once owned this game on GBA and this is the only Zelda game I've ever played so no I'm not a Zelda fan sorry. :) But I do know this game is infamous for many things. The biggest complaint I've heard about this game is the difficulty. And I totally agree! Damn this game is difficult! Zelda II is often regarded as the hardest game in the Zelda series and 8-bit gaming as a whole. I've rage-quitted on this game so many times it's not even funny. Death Mountain is easily the hardest and frustrating part of this game. Not only is it set early on in the game, it's a vast labyrinth with no end! It's almost impossible to get past it! But if you do, the reward you get is a hammer. A. F***ing. Hammer. It's only used for one or two areas in the entire game! All that hard work for nothing?! No wonder a lot of Zelda fans hate this game!
3. Blinky (Pac-Man World 2)
This boss is the epitome of Satan himself! This guy has given me hell every time I decide to do a playthrough of this game. Btw in case you guys are confused, Namco somehow got the names of Blinky and Clyde mixed up when they were making this game. -_- Blinky is already a bad enough pain in the original arcade game. With his incredible AI, he had to have been responsible for at least 80% of players' deaths! In Pac-Man World 2, he's MILES worse! Like Inky and Pinky, Blinky or excuse me Clyde has a flying ghost-shaped mech. Unfortunately unlike Inky and Pinky, Blinky's mech can't be damaged by rev-rolls. You have to bounce on the cockpit glass to damage him which is very difficult to do! There are some people who have found this boss fight to be rather easy. Well good for them cause this fight is still hard for me even now!
4. Via Infinito (Final Fantasy X-2)
For all you Final Fantasy fans out there, FFX-2 is my #1 favorite game in the series. I never get tired of playing it. NEVER. I just don't see why X-2 gets so much hate. XIII and XIII-2 deserve hate not this wonderful gem! Via Infinito is a secret dungeon that you can access in Bevelle in Chapter 5 only. It's very difficult to complete even for Final Fantasy veterans. There are 100 cloisters and each 20th cloister, you encounter a boss, On the 100th cloister, you encounter two powerful superbosses with no chance to heal in between fights. At first, the cloisters SEEM easy enough but as you go further and further, the fiends become nearly impossible to beat! The farthest I've ever gotten in this godforsaken dungeon is Cloister 82. If you wanna get 100% completion in FFX-2, you HAVE to complete this dungeon btw. I still haven't completed it to this very day!
5. Seymour (Final Fantasy X)
I know I just said X-2 is my #1 favorite game in the Final Fantasy series and it's true. But X comes in as a close second. While it was amazing, it had some major flaws that prevented me from enjoying the game completely. Luckily those flaws were corrected in X-2. There's one particular character in X that absolutely pissed me off and irritated me. For Christ's sakes you have to fight him FOUR times throughout the game! Seymour. I've heard of recurring bosses but this is ridiculous! As I stated before, you have to fight Seymour four times throughout the game. First you fight him in Macalania Temple, Second you fight him in Bevelle, Third you fight him on Mt, Gagazet, and Finally you fight him within Sin. It doesn't help matters that he gets stronger and more cheap with each fight. I've definitely had my share of Game Overs from fighting Seymour. He is the definition of annoying.