As an RPG fan, I was thrilled to see Xenoblade revealed at E3 2009. So as some (a few?) of you have probably read, I was pretty disappointed when it failed to make an appearance at E3 2011. The Wii's lineup is looking pretty dismal with the exception of Zelda and the Wii suffers from a severe lack of RPGs in general. I had hoped that Nintendo might surprise us with news of a state side release; however it seems likely that that isn't going to happen.
I just have to ask, why? There's clearly fan demand for the game and it's already being translated into English. It's hard for me to imagine that the physical costs of bringing it over here would outweigh the profit. And if Nintendo really doesn't think the game has mass appeal, why not give it a limited release as they did with the Metroid Prime Trilogy? It's the same idea – the games are already translated, they're just waiting to be shipped out.
As a longtime fan, I'm very disappointed with Nintendo of America. Don't even get me started on The Last Story; I'll be wanting that too. When Nintendo of Europe is proving itself to be the cool one you know you have problems. I'd also like to add that this wouldn't be as much of a problem if they hadn't region locked the Wii in the first place, but I suppose that's neither here nor there.
So, is there anything we can do? Not much—writing Nintendo is pretty much our only option. This sort of thing has worked in the past though (there are some notable examples, just look at Futurama and Family Guy) and I think it's important to let Nintendo know we're unhappy. If nothing else, at least we can say we tried.
If you'd like to write a letter, I have some tips! Destructoid has a template, but I highly recommend writing a personalized letter and physically sending it to them if possible. Obviously, it's important to be polite! At this point, Nintendo would almost be doing us a favor releasing these games in the US and nobody's going to go out of their way to please a rude fan base. If you are a longtime Nintendo fan or someone who might be interested in buying a Wii for these games I highly recommend that you say so. It wouldn't hurt to give Nintendo some options either. How about a limited release? Why not release these games alongside the Wii U? After all, these games are aimed at the hardcore gamers Nintendo seems to be trying to impress. Finally, specify that you intend to buy it! If it ever gets released in the states I don't want to hear that you're no longer interested because it didn't get a 10. We need to put our money where our mouths are.
In the end, we not only Nintendo's fans but their customers as well. We can buy used and we can support Nintendo's competitors instead. Nintendo should want to keep us happy. Let's show them that it's worth their while.