Umm, it's their game, they can do whatever they want with it? Seriously what's the big deal - I'm getting tired of these sexist accusations everywhere. Sexy characters are aesthetically pleasant and therefore improve the game experience.
And before feminists go rage I'd like to mention I'm female.
I really like it. You don't see graphics style like this everyday; it looks interesting. I also thought about Persona the moment I saw this, but it's definitely not a bad thing since I loved it.
Too bad it's just a teaser though - it'll prolly take forever to come out :C
Once some good titles get out, like the newest Zeldas, I bet the sales get up. The problem right now is the lack of good titles indeed, and no, Pikmin is not one of them. PS4 will obviously rock because many popular game series will definitely go for it.
Personally, I'm just glad for these news. I have been looking forward to the game since the very first time I heard about it. No matter how delayed the thing is, it still seems as interesting as before. Definitely looking forward to the announcement!
I don't know, the main characters are just really charming - a rugged man and a little girl trying to survive together in a dangerous world. It's just... charming. I am expecting a LOT from this game and I'm not even feeling sorry for putting pressure on the company.
Just about everyone's hyped about the game's graphics, which I can understand, but personally I'm more concerned about the gameplay. I hope they've come up with new and exciting ideas to match the game's look.
No hate, just love :'D Thanks, I enjoyed this spoilercast! I really appreciate it when a person can review a videogame neutrally, and honestly tell it's flaws and good things without exaggerating.
PlaWeird's comments