First of all, thanks to Apsinthion and child_of_lileth for your responses. With all due respect, however, I think (or perhaps hope) that these systems will be worth more than that to SOMEONE if I hold on to it for 30 more years. Consider that the console is already nearing its 23rd birthday, which means it'll be over the half-century mark by the time my theoretical sale takes place. Anyway, I suppose that also means that with its original 72-pin connector, it'll be worth considerably more than if I continually replace the connector over the next three decades. That's what I thought originally anyway.
And child_... Thanks for lacerating my ulcer even more! I guess I truly am behind the times if the top-loader's been around for that long. I think, though, that my perception of gaming has changed since I had the original NES, or SNES for that matter, (especially since I got my NES when I was about six) so now I look at the whole gaming industry rather than just what's sitting on the local Toys R Us (or in my case, Toy Works) shelves. I stand by my previous statement that I will not buy anything other than the original-design version of these systems.
Thanks again for your responses! More are always appreciated!
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