The last of reviews will be transfering over to my PrincessChaser account. They will not be uploaded yet but they will as I finish the games again.
ÂPlatinumPrinny Blog
Silent Hill Book of Memories Demo Impression
by PlatinumPrinny on Comments
So, I played the demo of Silent Hill: Book of Memories for the Vita today. I thought it was pretty fun to be honest, not your average Silent Hill but I never expected it to be. It plays like Diablo but with Silent Hill elements; puzzles, torment, notes, breakable weapons. It has familiar Silent Hill monsters, such as Double Head, as normal enemies. As you fight, your weapons break and your character levels up which I like, though it makes it feel less like a Silent Hill game and more like a Silent Hill skinned Dungeon Crawler which is what it basically is. There are rooms on each floor that act the most like Silent Hill, they are apparently traumatic memories that affect things differently if handled differently. The one seen in the demo didn't seem to offer much choice in how it is handled but hopefully that isn't the case in the full game. The game will be released October 16th in North America and I will be buying it day one, along with Ragnorok Odyssey and Mugen Souls!
WiiU Madness!
by PlatinumPrinny on Comments
So the WiiU had a news explosion today and I, being the Nintendo fan that I am, have pledged full support already.
So there are already a bunch of games I want; Pikmin 3, Black Ops II, Bayonetta 2, ZombiU, Rayman Legends, New Super Mario Bros. U and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. I already have a PS3 and I want Ninja Gaiden and Black Ops II on the WiiU lol In my defence of wanting Ninja Gaiden 3 on WiiU, it brings the violence from Ninja Gaiden 2 (360) back and, the only reason I like Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 more than the original, you can play as Ayane. Ayane just happens to be one of my favorite game characters for some reason lol
WiiU on Nov. 18th, dood! Day one for me!
So, I started Atelier Rorona again...
by PlatinumPrinny on Comments
I started playing Atelier Rorona again to get the plat and to just beat it again for Atelier Totori so I can play it to beat it so I can play Atelier Meruru. I forgot how busy and rushed this game makes you feel lol I love it tho. Can't wait for it's plat!
Been a While!
by PlatinumPrinny on Comments
It's been a long time but I finally got another review up!
The Ocarina of Time for the N64 is a legendary game in a legendary series. I tried to review it like it was 1998, but I think I failed lol
Look forward to more reviews from me soon hopefully.
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