So, I played the demo of Silent Hill: Book of Memories for the Vita today. I thought it was pretty fun to be honest, not your average Silent Hill but I never expected it to be. It plays like Diablo but with Silent Hill elements; puzzles, torment, notes, breakable weapons. It has familiar Silent Hill monsters, such as Double Head, as normal enemies. As you fight, your weapons break and your character levels up which I like, though it makes it feel less like a Silent Hill game and more like a Silent Hill skinned Dungeon Crawler which is what it basically is. There are rooms on each floor that act the most like Silent Hill, they are apparently traumatic memories that affect things differently if handled differently. The one seen in the demo didn't seem to offer much choice in how it is handled but hopefully that isn't the case in the full game. The game will be released October 16th in North America and I will be buying it day one, along with Ragnorok Odyssey and Mugen Souls!
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